Man I cannot believe I went almost another month without making a post ughhhh . . .
I guess because my life is so uneventful. I basically go to class, study and work. Oh and I watch movies online . . . just watched the new Indian Jones movie today (it was a cam version). The action scenes were good , but the context of the story was ehhhhh.
The movie that I am REALLY looking forward to seeing is the new Batman movie . . . I think it is going to be awesome.
Well I am really looking forward to coming home, only like two more months left or so. I am planning a trip after the semester to climb Mt Fuji. I am really looking forward to that.
It is also warming up here and its getting humid. The rainy season starts here soon and about a week ago we had a typhoon of the coast of Japan and it was rainy for like 3 days. I really do not like the rain, but I got use to it on my mission. Still not a fan though.