Friday, November 2, 2007

Old Skool!!!

Some of us spent most of the night looking for videos to songs we knew back in the late 80's early 90's . . . most of the guys I was looking at videos with are only 20-22 and were like 7 when they happened. Here is some of the cool vids!! Some of the guys never heard this song either . . . can you blame them!!!

I cannot believe I had this tape!

The pardoy which is funny as heck!!!!


YackyDuck said...

I'm only posting this comment so that it doesn't say "0 Comments", and you think that no one reads your blog.

You think you're so old, knowing all of these music videos that these young bucks haven't heard of. Try growing up when music videos were actually film, and entertainment consisted of somebody playing a guitar and bobbing their head back-and-forth really violently, so you could tell they were a ROCKER! Rock On!

Unknown said...

Was that Jim Carrey?