Monday, January 28, 2008

My 2cents

So most people know that I am pretty apathetic when it comes to our government officials. I mean when you get to it most of them are making a career of being politicians and do very little, in my opinion.

With that said I have been following the election coverage pretty well and have read a lot of stuff about each candidate and want to make an appeal for those of you to maybe consider Mitt Romney as the person who should get your vote.

Why have I chosen Mitt Romeny? I bet most of you think it is because he is Mormon. Actually, the opposite is true. I was at first turned off of Romney because he was LDS and thought most people would not elect a LDS person to begin with. Though Romeny is a religious person with a deep devotion to his faith, his Christian values are not at the center of his campaign. Unlike Huckabee, I have not read about Romney going to a LDS congregation to try and get votes from the people. If you are looking for someone running on that kind of agenda Huckabee is for you . . . not Romeny.

Romeny is also not a career politician. His platform has been as someone with real-world experience in the business sector that knows how to get things done. McCain is a career politician there is not mistake about it . . . he knows very little about the business world and is perhaps the lease experience of all the candidates in this area. How many of the presidential candidates can say they have had to actually had to turn around failing companies around?

A lot of people have also accused Romney of using his person wealth to propel his campaign forward. He made a great point sometime ago, why should he ask friends to give him money for his campaign when he is not willing to contribute a few bucks from his own pocket. I mean does it cost that much to fly McCain’s mom around and speak on behalf of her son. It is also interesting that McCain has not used of his own personal finances into the campaign.

McCain has said that the US needs a leader and not a manager. While I understand his point, I also think we need to stop sitting around the table and debating till we are all red in the face. I think Romeny is definitely the managerial type, but that he is willing to make hard decisions and put them into play.

In reality, the US government since 1980 has had two different governments. The Regan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. has had many of the same insiders working for them over this period. There is a reason while some of the same people keep popping up over and over again. Many of these same people will reappear under a McCain presidency. If Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife is elected you will see a lot of the same people from the Clinton era as well. It’s kind of like those stores that put up signs that say “Under New Management,” but we all know it's the same people working inside. If you look at several of Romney’s chief aids and many of those who are backing him in his political corner, you will notice it is a new crowd. I found it interesting that Ross Perot recently gave an interview in support of Romney because he felt Romeny is the only one who can really change the government.
Okay there I think I said my peace. But, like anything I highly encourage you to study it out for yourself. The only downside is can Romney beat either Obama or Clinton in the general election. Well those recent poll numbers are not that good, but why not take a chance and vote for Romney . . . in the primary election when it counts the most!

I am interested in what your opinions are back in the States about each candidate.

This most likely will be my last post till finals are over.


Ditte said...

Great post, Tom. My sister in law Cristin feels pretty much the same as you as do Jeremy and I. You should check out Cristin's blog. You'd enjoy what she has to say. It's Enjoy!

Tom & Erin Barker said...

Thanks Ditte and Jeremy. Yeah, I can honestly say I have been more on top of this election then any election before. Thanks Drudge Report! Florida will be the biug day if Mitt can grab a large percentage of the votes then I think there is a good shot we will see others drop out of the race.