I have been busy studying getting ready for the next semester. I am going to Nagoya next week for four days with the “walking club” I am in. It’s costing a lot of money . . . more then I would like to pay, but I have saved up enough to go and am ready.
Speaking of money I cannot believe how much the value of the dollar has gone down. When I first got it here it was about 117 yen to the dollar. Now, it’s around 95 yen to the dollar. Teaching English I make 3,000, so when I first got here that was about $25.64. Now I make $30.91 . . . crazy huh!!!
Well I will upload the pictures when I can . . . I also went with some friends to Kawaguchiko, near Mt. Fuji, and stayed at an onsen, hot spring. It was a fun experience and with it being spring break they had a really good discount. The only sad part was that you could not really see Mt. Fuji because of all the clouds and over cast. You could make it out and see it to some extent but none of the pictures I took turned out well. I did go to this awesome temple before returning home.
tom, Jerm and I would totally come visit you if we could! I would love to see Japan! I"M glad you had fun with Erin while you were home. That clip of the office is pretty dang funny!
I wish you guys coudl come here and check things out . . . it;s kind of nice to go somewhere and be with someone who knows the lay of the land. But, things are so dang expensive here and with the value of the dollar going down it kind of sucks!!
Soo... are you gonna update us pretty soon? :)
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