There was an interesting fast food place I went to the other day with the rest of my gaijin cohort after we took care of our alien residence stuff and signed up for national health insurance. Its called Moss Burger. The hamburger was pretty good. I’m not sure what the brown sauce was they put on it but its good. They also cover it in onions, but the onions do not have that onion taste . . . which makes it taste good. Also the weird thing I notice is they put lettuce and tomato on the hotdogs they sell. Nonetheless it was really good.
Well I have been exploring Koganei and have found some book stores that actually have some books on my topic or similar. There was one that was actually about the size on my bathroom that was pretty disgusting. But, they had two books that are on my topic.
Part of this year here is collecting material. I am buying some books on my topic if it is not too much. Books on the average are really cheap here. I think the most I may have paid was 1,000 yen for a hardback. I have kind of scoped out the Sophia Library and plan on making a lot of photocopies of books that might be there as well. I tried to get some help from the reference desk about what might be in the collection, but the librarian recommend going to google and looking there. I asked if they a librarian who just specialized in just Japanese history there, but apparently they do not do that have librarians that have specializations in certain areas. I am thinking I may go Monday and start finding stuff there. I also know where the copy machine is.
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