The part I found interesting is that we just kind or were walking and next thing we knew were in the red light district. Okay I know what you are thinking . . . but in all honesty none of us realized where we were I mean these brothels are right between a McDonalds and a video arcade. Also there were cops around as well as kids with their parents. I have to say this is the first time I have seen a quote “red light area” and it was nothing like I expected. It was not like the dark and dreary places I thought of. I think a lot of it has to do with the Japanese mentality and they are used to it. I guess I was just kind of shocked about how open it was in this one area. FYI the shops generally have a design that sayes no one under 18 allowed and the name of the places are kind of a give away about what they are. I learned later on after I got back that this area is called Kabuki-cho.
The one thing that was kind of funny is one guy did get the nerve to walk into one and he said they told him to leave since he was gaijin.
Okay enough about that. I honestly can say I have never seen so many people in such a small confined place in all my life. The pictures can barely do it justice.
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